“in spaceships, they won’t understand…”
—the Strokes, ‘Last Night’
this is an introductory mini-zine / prologue to the rocknroll conspiracy papers, produced by dj poolhouse.
this is how they do it!
this is how they get
the kids to take drugs
and talk to UFOs
it’s called rocknroll
and it’s a big conspiracy
it’s called rocknroll
look what it did
to you and me
and it goes a little something like this:
© 2003, 2022 Poetry 4 Money, LLC / djpoolhouse inc.
“We know of an ancient radiation
that haunts dismembered constellations
a faintly glimmering radio station”
—Cake, ‘Frank Sinatra’
“The Martians, or the inhabitants of whatever planet had signaled us, would understand at once that we had caught their message across the gulf of space and had sent back a response. To convey a knowledge of form by such means is, while very difficult not impossible, as a I have already found a way of doing it. What a tremendous stir this would cause in the world!”
—Nikola Tesla, in “Talking with the Planets,” (1901)
They say there is no hope
They say no UFOs
Why is no head hung high?
Maybe you’ll see them fly
—Model 500, ‘No UFO’s’
In 1962, Syd Barett joined the Mottos, playing Shadows instrumentals and classic Chuck Berry. Barrett and Dave Gilmour moved to London… also at the Regent Street institution were Roger Waters, Rick Wright and Nick Mason, all architectural students like Gilmour, and all set to start a band, Sigma-6, later called the Abdabs. Barrett was soon a member with interests in mysticism, ESP, LSD, feedback, echo, delays, slide projections, and the supernatural, that would shape the unit’s future.
Barret suggested a name change to Pink Floyd, in a gesture to honor Georgia bluesmen Pink Anderson and Floyd “Dipper Boy” Council…After stops at the UFO club, late in ’66, Floyd’s surreal lyrics and strange doodlings were taking on mythical status. Early in ’67 they secluded themselves in Chelsea Sound Techniques, where they recorded “Arnold Layne,” “See Emily Play,” and Piper at the Gates of Dawn, their highly successful debut releases. Of the thirteen songs recorded in those sessions, ten were written by Barrett and two were co-written.
Gates of Dawn is the work on which Barrett’s mythical reputation is nearly entirely based. Barrett, who had dropped a lot of acid, was by album’s release exhibiting lots of bizarre behavior. The young visionary would stare off into space, become uncommunicative, play a lone note over and over…and not show up for concerts. On April 6, 1968, it was announced that Barrett was no longer with Floyd. The news surely spelled the end. Pink Floyd without Barrett seemed unthinkable…
Source: “Syd Barrett” entry in Cult Rockers, written by Wayne Jancik and Tad Lathrop (emphasis added)
“Vatican II was a direct response to the sudden arrival of a supernatural entity on this planet known to us as the Pharaoh of Funk. He crashed landed here in 1955 from another dimension in the center of the galaxy .
The Pharaoh of Funk reactivated a force on our planet known as divine kinosis, which were energies that suddenly became accessible within the perceivable vibeframe to just about anyone. The sudden popularity of so-called ‘race music’ rang alarm bells in the Holy See, and a clandestine plan which had long been in the works suddenly sprang into high gear.”
—Esoteric Disco, Vol. II (Commentary on the teachings of the Pharaoh of Funk) Paradise Foundation/Thee Royal House of Funk Publishing, Inc